Monday, September 30, 2019

Dementia: Alzheimer’s Disease and People

Isabel Ramirez Comp105 Mrs. Doonan 11 December 2012 Dementia affecting the lives of many Sometimes the word Dementia can be quite scary to hear and quite frankly it is pretty scary to hear. Many people don’t really take the time to stop and realize that it might be something that can be life threating and without them even knowing they might already be having some of the early symptoms. There is no such thing as going in to the doctor to early and getting checked out for dementia.Once someone gets dementia there is no way on turning back and the best they can do it getting treatment. Approximately every sixty eight seconds someone in America will develop dementia, some even without them knowing it. Dementia is something that no one wants to know that they have because of the dramatic life changes that if will have in someone’s life. Dementia having many effects on older people like having to get treatment and the many symptoms they go through can be very overwhelming.Ma ny people know that dementia is a disease in which the memory is affected, but that’s not all dementia is. Every sixty eight seconds someone in America develops dementia. (AHAF) Dementia actually means loss of mentation and thinking. (Fisher) It is a disease that degenerates the brain which affects the memory. (AHAF) Dementia is a progressive disease that has a big impact not only on the person that is diagnosed with dementia but also their family and friends that are around. Perry) Many people describe dementias symptoms with loss of memory, judgment, language even motor skills, meaning that many people can’t do a lot of their daily activities normally by themselves. (Fisher) Caring for someone with dementia can be extremely difficult and have a lot of emotional stress. Dementia is a disease the many describe as a disease that eats someone’s brain slowly causing that person to start forgetting things. (AHAF) Dementia isn’t a disease that is on its own it has many forms to which it attacks a person. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia. Fisher) Dementia having many shapes and sizes can be hard on older people. Dementia does have many shapes and sizes because there is different types of dementias in which can affect the person slowly or really fast. The forms of dementia are classified by the area of the brain that gets affected and the degree of progression. (Westerby) Since there are so many different forms of dementia, drugs might only be available for some of them. Yes, there is many kind of dementia but the two most common forms are Parkton’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. Fisher) About sixty percent of the people that develop Alzheimer’s, fifteen through thirty percent develop vascular dementia, four through twenty percent develop lewy body and two percent develop frontal temporal dementia. Mainly all forms of dementia are progressive except Vascular Dementia. Alzheimer’s mainly affects older people and mainly women get this kind of dementia. Lewy Body dementia mainly affects older people. Vascular dementia mainly affects people that have diabetes. Frontal Temporal dementia affects mostly the people that are under sixty five and mainly men. Elkins) Some people might get mixed dementia where there might be one or more cases of dementia combined together. (Perry) One of the hardest things of dementia is the symptoms they have and later finding out someone has dementia through diagnostic can be a very tragic moment. The earliest symptom is memory loss with that also not being able to think right can really confuse a person. (Fisher) Patients might have a hard time arranging plans and which ends up leading to the major memory loss. Movement of everyday became more difficult. Perry) That’s why trying to diagnose dementia soon is very important, the sooner is diagnosed the sooner medication can be given out which can help from it progressing really fast. Cognitive test are necessary in being able to decide whether dementia is there or not. (Westerby) There is a physical exam done to help identify why they have dementia. Another thing they really take in consideration is history of mental or behavioral symptoms. (AHAF) There is an assessment that is done which is called Mini Mental State Examination.There is so many ways that people can get tested and find out pretty soon, like getting lab test done is a fast and effective way. (Perry) Out of all of them the most effective way and proven to be one hundred percent effective is brain autopsy. (AHAF) Finding out which stage of dementia you have might be hard because of the many ad different types of dementia there are. That is why it is very important to that if someone has any of the symptoms to get them checked out because the faster you get diagnosed the more likely you will be able to get some medication that will slow down the progression. Perry) The risk factors that can giv e you dementia or bring along can be too much to handle for someone at any age. Even though dementia can happen at any time of life, it has a dramatic increase as age increases too. (Perry) There are two big risk factors that really play a big role when getting dementia, which are age and genetics. Many people can get dementia because it is in their genes and past generations in their family have gotten so it is more likely that they get it. Approximately five percent of Americans between the ages of sixty five and seventy four get dementia. AHAF) People who smoke, have hypertension, high cholesterol, and are obese have a greater risk in getting dementia. People who have Parkinson’s disease and have had a stroke are also greater at risk. (Westerby) People with dementia might be seeing things that aren’t really there which can be very dangerous for them to be alone in their own home. (Fisher) About thirty six and a half percent of people with dementia live in a home car e facility the other sixty three and a half percent are taken care of in their own home by some family member. Westerby) When the dementia is advanced people become dependent for everything with their care. (Fisher) Mobility gets harder so there could be a greater risk of falls. There might also be a great loss of appetite and a dramatic change in their weight. (Perry) As often as possible try drawling things for the patient that way they can visualize the things better and they might remember them more. (Elkins) Asking people with dementia direct questions really stresses them out and they fell like they are put in the stop.So yes it is a really serious disease and in most cases it is too much for someone to handle at any age. Sometimes the treatments are not always enough when trying to get rid of dementia and the results can be pretty fatal. It is better to keep the person in their own home. That way they could keep their daily routine and they can remember where their things are located at. Moving someone out of their home when they are very confused already isn’t going to help them out much. (Perry) When diagnosed it is recommended for the patient and the family to get ongoing support.This way the family can know of ways to help the person and also the patient knows the truth of dementia. (Westerby) Alzheimer’s is terminal and had no known cure. (AHAF) No Treatment yet recognized, but one big risk factor is diabetes and hypertension. (Perry) The average time of life they have would range from five though twenty years. (Fisher) The three year survival rate for vascular dementia for people over the age of eighty five is sixty seven percent. For people who develop Alzheimer’s after a stroke there is a thirty nine percent survival rate.People with Alzheimer’s in general have a forty three survival rate. (Perry) Out of all the causes of death infection is the most common. (Fisher) Yes, Dementia is very hard and a lot to handle for o lder people, there isn’t a known treatment that is for sure going to get rid of the dementia someone has and the symptoms can be very frustrating. That’s why having the help of family members and friends that are around the person is very necessary to be able to live with a disease that eats your brain a little more each day causing that person to forget things from their past.It is a scary disease that no one wishes to ever get, but once someone has it there is no way back. As soon as they start to notice some of the symptoms it is better to go get themselves checked that why there can be some medication that can help its progression. Being able to detect it early improve the quality of life and the lifelong out comes the patient has for the rest of their lives. Always keep in mind this is a disease that attacks someone in the America every sixty eight seconds, many without even knowing.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

How Significant Was Slave Trade in the Growth of the British Empire

Mahfuz Chowdhury How Significant Was Slave Trade in the Growth of the British Empire in the Years c. 1680-1763? I agree to some extent that slavery played a significant role in the growth of the British Empire in the years 1680-1763. This is because slavery allowed the British to import a high amount of goods that were in demand such as sugar and tobacco which generated profits for plantation owners especially as slave labour was cheap. The slave trade was mainly involved in two key aspects: the growth of the sea trade and maintenance of existing settlements.Even though slavery was considered of great importance, there were other key factors involved with the expansion of the British Empire . Trading companies traded slaves and goods produced by slaves. The tax collected helped to fund the navy which protected trade and played an important role in war. So along with the trading companies; the Government; Royal Navy and War, were all factors that played an important part in the growth of the empire. Trade was one of the main key factors that allowed the British Empire to increase and grow steadily.This trading routine was the beginning of the Empire and from all the joint stock companies formed, Britain allowed its Empire to grow in profits and increase in size. The slave trade played a major role in the growth of seaborne commerce mainly across the Atlantic seas. The use of slavery helped the British a vast amount by bringing in increased profits and goods that were on demand such as cotton, tobacco and sugar. There was a triangular trade where a three point voyage took place. This helped Britain gain prosperity and wealth and also a monopoly on the Atlantic. By 1720, they had ‘transported 100,000 Africans, exported ? 1. million worth of goods and imported 30,000 tons of sugar’. 1 The growth of the British Empire was focused on seaborne trade. Therefore, they concentrated on the Atlantic trade. Britain would trade goods with African colonies for sl aves. The slaves were then traded in the Caribbean and North America to work on plantations. The goods produced were returned to Britain. As a result, slavery played an important role in helping trade and the growth of the British Empire. Slave trade and trading companies are linked. Joint stock companies such as the Royal African Company and the East India Company were mainly the most dominant companies in trade.The Royal African Company was the biggest British slave trade company. It began in 1672 after the failure of The Royal Adventurers of Africa due to interlopers and not rising up to its expected standards. It was created with the intention of making a huge profit from slave trade. The demand for slaves was high because it was considered that African slaves were used to the conditions of plantations in the Caribbean. Furthermore, because of high death rates and infant mortality, ‘the supply of slaves†¦needed regular replenishment’. Also slave labour was seen as the best form of labour as it didn’t require the workers to be paid which meant larger profits for plantation owners. In addition slave owners were able to force them to work long hours in harsh conditions. As mentioned earlier, slave trade was highly profitable because by 1720, they had ‘transported 100,000 Africans, exported ? 1. 5 million worth of goods and imported 30,000 tons of sugar’. 3 The Royal African Company became a monopoly and its profits and fortunes rose immensely from the other goods (like sugar) they imported too. However, just like The Royal Adventurers, the company’s James Walvin, Black Ivory: Slavery in the British Empire, Blackwell Publishing, 2001, pg 31 2 Kenneth Morgan, Slavery, Atlantic Trade and the British Economy 1660-1800, Cambridge University Press, 2000, pg 10 3 James Walvin, Black Ivory: Slavery in the British Empire, Blackwell Publishing, 2001, pg 31 Page | 1 Mahfuz Ahmad Chowdhury AA45161 History profits had been inte rfered by interlopers and they went out of business. Despite the Royal African Company ending, it put an end to foreign monopoly. By joining the slave trade, it helped British trading companies maintain its dominance.The British had supremacy over Africa which simulated exploration for new raw materials and food articles. This dominance helped bring a vast amount of profits in and therefore help the growth of the British Empire. The trading companies were crucial to the growth of the British Empire especially after 1688. In 1688 ‘The Glorious Revolution’ took place. The Dutch William of Orange replaced James II on the throne. This was very useful to the East India Company because they were unsuccessful in the East as their Dutch rivals were doing better than them.But with the new king, ‘a deal was done which effectively gave Indonesia and the spice trade to the Dutch, leaving the English to develop the new Indian textiles trade’. 4 This proved to be a good deal for the East India Company because by 1720 they had generated more profit than the Dutch. In relation to slavery, the East India Company played a small role in the transportation and use of slaves. Despite not using slaves, they were successful. For instance in Bengkulu, the East India Company was ‘regularly sending between 453,600 and 907,200 kgs per year to London’. This is important in highlighting the fact that trade would was successful without slaves. It also corroborates that trade was an important factor in the growth of the British Empire. Prior to 1688, the government also played a crucial role by passing laws to protect British overseas trade. A series of 29 laws were passed between 1645 and 1761 and were known as the Navigation Act. These were laws that ‘forbade goods being imported into England if they were not carried in English or colonial ships’. 6 In other words, the government was ‘confining the benefits of empire to the state a nd its own subjects’. This meant Britain received trade from colonies even if other countries offered a higher price. As a result, the economy was boosted. By limiting ships and crews to being British, skilled seamen were created which then allowed the navy to become a powerful and dominant sea power. These acts were pivotal in the success of trade at the end of the 17th and beginning of the 18th century. Furthermore, the government set up its own bank called the Bank of England. The creation of the Bank of England led to a stronger of the Royal Navy because of the virtuous cycle. People invested in the Bank of England with a promise of a return.The government then spent that money on the navy. This protected the transportation of trade and trading ports during times of war. This was especially important as Britain was focused on slave trade across the Atlantic. Taxes collected from the trade were then used to pay investors their money back. In addition, trading companies mad e more profit. All of this had positive knock on effects on other industries such as agriculture, iron, carpenters and many more. From 1689 – 1714, the number of ships increased from 100 to 131 and the number of cruisers increased from 8 to 66.This was essential in the growth of the British Empire. 4 Niall Ferguson, Empire, Penguin books, 2004, pg 23 5 http://www. britishempire. co. uk/maproom/benkulen. htm 6 www. sagehistory. net/colonial/topics/navacts. htm 7 Kenneth Morgan, Slavery, Atlantic Trade and the British Economy 1660-1800, Cambridge University Press, 2000, pg 10 Page | 2 Mahfuz Ahmad Chowdhury AA45161 History Not only did it protect trade which brought more wealth, it aided victory in major battles. For instance in 1707, the navy defeated the French at sea. Consequently, Britain went on to become the greatest navy.Moreover, it opened up new trade routes and brought Britain more colonies. War is another key reason for the expansion of the Empire. The main war was t he War of Spanish Succession which ended in 1713 with the Treaty of Utrecht. The treaty gave Britain land such as Gibraltar and Canada. These new colonies meant that Britain was able to export new products. The new plantations also meant that there was a higher demand of slaves which Britain provided helping to generate more profit. Crucially though, from the French, they gained the Asiento – a contract with Spain to supply its South American colonies with slaves.A third major trading company was given a royal charter to trade in South America; the South Sea Company. It was known to ‘help British wealth creation considerably and too boost British power’. 8 The request from Britain for the Asiento in the treaty signifies the importance of slave trade to the growth of the empire. In conclusion, slave trade was crucial in the growth of the British Empire to some extent. But without trading companies, slaves couldn’t have been traded. Nor could goods produced by slaves be exported.In addition the government and its navigation acts helped trading companies reduce competition with other countries. The Navy was important in winning wars and protecting trade. It helped gain the Asiento by winning the War of Spanish Succession. Bibliography †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ G. Raudzens, Empire, Sutton Publishing Limited, 1999 J. Walvin, Black Ivory: Slavery in the British Empire, Blackwell Publishing, 2001 K Morgan, Slavery, Atlantic Trade and the British Economy 1660-1800, Cambridge University Press, 2000 N. Ferguson, Empire, Penguin books, 2004 8 George Raudzens, Empire, Sutton Publishing Limited, 1999, pg139 Page | 3

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Business Ethical Values Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business Ethical Values - Essay Example Values of both employers and employees, therefore, significantly determine success of a business. By designing suitable ethical expectations and codes of conduct, businesses ensure that ethical principles are upheld. While exploring significance of business ethics, Fisher & Lovell (2009) concludes that there is a strong correlation between individual values and business ethics. This paper explores specific values that make business leaders ethical. Choosing Best Values While choosing best values, it is important to select values and ethics that you not only believe in, but also define your character. After the selection procedure, Glass (1981) advises that an individual must visibly live by the values every day. Living one’s values is a powerful tool for leading and influencing others. In business, values of employees and employers are dependent on one another. Thus, freedom of a business leader to choose ethical values depends on set of values defined by employees. Neverthele ss, an ethical business leader, according to Guth (1999), is described by the following five traits: willingly chooses to lead, good role model to others, provides feasible future vision, provides inspiration, and makes other people feel appreciated and important. Values that Make Business Leaders Ethical Honestly is the first and foremost value that business leaders must practice to become ethical (MSG, 2012). The value determines commitment of business leaders to observance of business principles in both favorable and unfavorable conditions. Mollie (2011) asserts that several corporations have different manuals with slogans encouraging commitment of workers to honesty. Integrity is another vale that makes business leaders ethical. Mollie (2011) defines integrity as possession of strong adherence to professional standards and/or moral principles. Integrity, therefore, connotes stability, consistency, and strength of a leader. In other words, integrity implies that a leader is readi ly willing to take a high road by applying the most valuable ethical standards. Rhode (2006), however, defines integrity as a state of completeness and wholeness. Thus, based on Rhode’s definition (2006), demonstrating integrity indicates soundness and completeness in a leader’s character and in his/her organization. Responsibility, as another value, is an integral part of business ethics. A responsible leader is accountable for his/her actions and decisions. He/she carries the entire liability of any judgment made in his/her organization. Irresponsibility, on the other hand, erodes cohesion and respect in any organization. That is, irresponsibility increases blame games and wrongful victimization in an organization. Rhode (2006), nonetheless, perceives actions and responsibility as both a cause and a result of the other. That is, actions or decisions a leader makes determine whether he/she is a responsible individual or not. Conversely, being responsible in small acti ons or making sound judgment determines weight of tasks a leader is allocated. Responsibility is closely related to quality, which is another important value in business ethics. Quality measures output of a leader. Quality should not only focus on production of best products, but should also extend to every facet of a leader. A leader who appraises quality and struggles for it daily develops a deep sense of

Friday, September 27, 2019

Myself or Others Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Myself or Others - Case Study Example As much as one takes care of self-interest, he or she should have principles. The things that a person does will either positively or negatively influence his or her relationships. No one is an island; we all need people one way or another. Ethical egoism compared to ethical altruism is far apart, the former deals with self-interest while the latter deals with moral obligation to others. In the middle, there is utilitarianism which is independent and neutral. These are the major categories that different cultures fall into. Some cultures believe that, once parents become incapable of taking care of the family it becomes responsibility of the older child. This is a moral obligation that does not allow one to choose, which may lead to two different sentiments. One may take it positively and actually embrace the idea of being responsible for the others, putting his or own interests on hold. This is a great concept only when it does not turn one into a pauper. What am I saying? The fact that one can take care of others, simply means that they can afford to have basics. If they cannot have even mere basics because of others needs then it is morally wrong (Nina R, 2012) Another person may take it negatively, because he or she is just selfish in nature or may not understand why he or she should take responsibility, which is meant for parents. A person ends up doing it but, with a lot of protest. In both cases, the interest of a person may be delayed or even may remain unexecuted. As a result, there are things that may come up; for example, resentment towards the recipients, one may end up being a dwarf when it comes to development and at times because of fate, one may end up having unaccomplished dreams. According to me, an individual is supposed to balance. It is good to help parents and the community at large with regard to your capabilities. One has to ensure his or her comfort

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Music Trade Show Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Music Trade Show - Research Paper Example The music trade show has been organized to exhibit the modern equipments manufactured by numerous reputed companies. In addition, a musical concert has been planned which will consist of participants, both amateur and professionals from the music industry. The trade show is scheduled to be instigated from 7th September and continue till 9th September. The venue of the location has been planned at International Expo Center, Cleveland, Ohio. The opening of the event has been organized to conduct an education seminar which will be accompanied by professionals from the music industry. The seminar is further expected to provide valuable tips to the amateurs, which will help them to attain success in the future. The overall budget allocated for commencing the trade show will require US $50,000. Moreover, the coordinators or the organizers have planned to recruit 50 volunteers who will be responsible for effective commencement of the event. Furthermore, the organizers are expecting a total of 100 exhibiters who will showcase their musical equipments to the visitors. Moreover, the coordinators are expecting 10,000 attendees, most of them being the professionals and amateurs of music industry. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Table of Contents 3 Thesis Statement 4 The Challenges and Opportunities Related to the Event 4 Human Resources Plan 6 Financial Plan 7 Process Used for Creating Events 8 Ethical and Legal Considerations 10 Process for Orchestrating the Events 11 Works Cited 12 Thesis Statement Organizing a music trade show requires effective planning and execution by the coordinators in order to successfully attain the determined core objectives. The report hereby intends to provide a brief analysis of the challenges and opportunities associated with the event. It also intends to evaluate the human resource plan in order to place the ‘right person for the right job’. The estimated budget required for commencing the event will also be provided in t his regard. Moreover, the discussion also intends to take into account the ethical and legal factors along with the security measures necessary in relation to the efficient conduct of the event. Based on these various aspects, recommendations on the basis of current events will be provided for successfully conducting the music trade show. The Challenges and Opportunities Related to the Event Numerous challenges can be identified to be associated with the process of organizing a music trade show. One of the foremost challenges can be identified as related with accommodation issues. As the event will be organized for three days, accommodation for the attendees and exhibiters should be appropriately managed. The 10,000 attendees are expected for the show along with 100 exhibiters who are to be provided with enough space and healthy environment during the course of the event. Furthermore, arranging for the availability of food can also be regarded as a vital responsibility for the coord inators while arrangements for the housing of visitors are being planned. Transportation will also be a factor that should be taken care of while organizing the event. Adequate number of cars should be arranged in order to transport attendees and exhibiters to and fro from the venue. Furthermore, goods carriers should be reserved for three days as the exhibiters will carry various instruments in order to podcast its unique features. Moreover, arrangement of enough space should be made as space regarding the exhibiter’s booth shall be provided prior to the opening day of the event. 100 booths have been planned to be temporarily constructed with this purpose, each providing 180 sq. ft. of space to the exhibiters (Canadian Music Week Inc, â€Å"Exhibiters Manual†). One of the crucial challenges for the coordinators in this regard can be identified in relation to the collection of finances through sponsorships. Thus, organizing a mega event of this stature will thereby req uire incurring huge amount of money for meeting the cost of these

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Planet of Slums Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Planet of Slums - Essay Example The purpose of the report is to provide detailed analysis on reflection of the author on global slums and its ecological, economic, political and social consequences of urban poverty and the roots of slums in the post-modern time. The ambitious book of Mike Davies portrays a massive humanity exiled from the official economy of world and warehoused in shantytowns.The author discovers the future of an explosively unbalanced and radically incapable urban world. The rise of informal urban proletariat is also argued by Mike Davis. The author provides a global discussion about different aspects of slums. He also discuss about the diversity and necessity of housing across diverse lives of people. A number of different property arrangement and tenure in slums are also discussed in the book. The key objective of the book is to provide knowledge to readers about the transformation and growth of slums across the world. The major upheavals industrialization and imperialism are echoed by the contemporary third world urban poor. The core of the book resembled the painful moments due to industrialization in terms of conditions of living. The main argument presented by author is about negative aspects and roots of global slums. At start, the rising mega slums are being neglected by Davis from core program of political considerations. But, it can be realized from latter part of the book that author tries to provide vivid description of the cause of urban poverty on global scale. The author is looking in case of historical context and global scale rather than existing conditions and local governments (Davis 38). The influential book of Mike Davis is on the enormous growth of settlements all over the world. The overall purpose of the book is to provide a statement to the people that they are a planet of slums.The values of Davis is to provide statistical data and effective detailed analyzed work which can help readers to

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Restaurant Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Restaurant Evaluation - Essay Example The thesis statement for this paper is to evaluate the pros and cons of Nora’s Cuisine based on, three criteria, which include, variety of the appetizers, pastas, and salads offered by the restaurant, location of the restaurant, and the total cost that must not exceed $20 per person. The first criterion to evaluate Nora’s Cuisine is that food choices should include a variety of appetizers, salads, and pastas.   The cuisine is doing very well in this regard. Some of the main appetizers, which the cuisine offers to the customers, include Gamberoni Fritti, Calamari Fritti, Italian Wings, Mozzarella Sticks, and Bruschetta al Pomodoro. A bad point regarding the cuisine is that it falls short of meal at times. The managers need to take every step to make every appetizer available to the customers whenever the customers come within the mealtimes. The cuisine specializes in making delicious pastas, such as, Melrose pesto, Fettuccine Carbonara, Cheese Ravioli, and Rigatoni Special. Diners can use the facility to take their leftovers with them. Salads are full of calories and are very delicious indeed. The cuisine also specializes in preparing antipasto, fruit salad, and crisp lettuce topped with mozzarella, olives, blue cheese, and tomatoes. With the order of tw o hamburgers or sandwiches, the cuisine provides a full plate of French fries and a soft drink without any charges. That is really a good thing and the customers like it a lot. The second criterion to evaluate Nora’s Cuisine is the location of the cuisine. The cuisine is just 5 kilometers away from my place. People can also go to the cuisine using public transport. A bad point regarding location is the small parking area for the people who have their own vehicles. The third criterion to evaluate Nora’s Cuisine is the price of food. I set the limit of maximum $20 per person. The prices at Nora’s Cuisine fall below the limit. The prices are not high and low income people can also afford to go to Nora’s

Monday, September 23, 2019

Sustainable Event Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2

Sustainable Event Management - Essay Example This event made London one of the most popular cities around the world. However, it is true that London Olympics can be considered as one of the successful sporting events in terms of sustainability and economic benefits. The organizing committee did a marvelous job to maintain the sustainability of the event. Reportedly, this event succeeded to pull out large number of visitors around the globe with the help of location advantage of this sporting event. These reasons motivated to chose this event due to well-developed sustainability policies and location advantage for this event. Triple Bottom Line or TBL can be considered as one of the effective theories that help professionals and other individuals to measure and determine the sustainability of a particular event. It is true that London Olympics can be considered as one of the most sustainable sporting events. This TBL sustainable theory will help to measure environmental or ecological, social and financial or economical sustainability of London Olympics 2012. This theory will consider several factors, such as water recycling, zero solid waste, social development and economical sustainability of London while measuring and determining the sustainability of this event. As Olympic is one of the popular sporting events and London is one of the popular tourist spots across the globe, therefore London Olympics 2012 has been chosen to measure its sustainability. It has been discussed earlier that Triple Bottom Line or TBL is one of the important theories that can help a professional to measure and determine the sustainability of a particular event. TBL is one of the effective theoretical frameworks that consist of three parts, such as financial or economical, environmental or ecological and social. These three parts are also referred as 3Ps, such as planet, profit and people. It is true that several leading organizations have adopted and implemented this par4ticular TBL theoretical framework in order to

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Construction projects are as much about people as they are about Essay

Construction projects are as much about people as they are about technical undertakings - Essay Example Thus to properly meet the expectations and aspirations of the different stakeholder groups the project contractor must see that the project gets duly completed on a timely basis. Further the contractor must also see that the investment rendered by the different stakeholders for the effective completion of the project activity is duly addressed by generating effective returns. The contractor thereby is required to plan in adequate manner different strategies that would help in reducing the cost of the project side-by-side working to enhance the quality paradigm for the same. Working on the above manner would help the project manager and the contractor in generating adequate revenues for the different stakeholders. The project concerning construction activities also tends to render huge impact on the natural environment in the adjoining areas. Thus the paper in this regard focuses on the formulation of different strategies on behalf of the contractor that would help in gaining required solutions to the aforesaid issues (Chinyio, 2010, p.128-131). Construction Projects and Time Management Effective time management is required to be conducted for the completion of the large scale construction projects in due time. ... This procedure focuses on the estimation and monitoring of the time spent by each of the different persons involved in such project activity. This specific monitoring in regards to the time required for the construction projects thus helps in closing the deviations from the total estimated time made for the total project to complete. However the estimated time required for the completion of the total construction project does not consider the random happening of events natural or otherwise that tend to render obstruction to the ideal completion of the project. Thus an important consideration is held in this case that no abnormal events rise during the project tenure that in turn would tend to enhance the time required for the completion of the project. Uncertainty of occurrences in regards to the construction project can be accounted also in the form of contingencies. The contingencies can thereby be accounted using separate techniques like PERT. Though the technique persists for the accounting of contingencies yet it is found for a number of cases like outbreak of fire or natural calamities the same system of contingency accountability fails to render the correct result. Thus an adjustment is maintained in the form of contingencies wherein the time set is added to the normal time held for the project to get completed. Again especially in cases of construction projects it is found that the entire project activity gets dismantled owing to disturbing weather conditions. Thus the time management and setting of allowances and allocations need to be maintained on that basis. Construction projects carried out in highways become greatly affected owing to such disturbing conditions that in turn enhance the time required for

Saturday, September 21, 2019

David Ortan Plc Case Study Essay Example for Free

David Ortan Plc Case Study Essay 1.1.David Orton Plc: A brief overview of merger of Orton group and Costwise David Orton Plc was a result of merger when Orton group, distinguish British Food Retailer Company, acquired Costwise Company in 2005. British CC (competition commission) had reservations at this mighty onset of merger as companies were independently huge retailers already and their reservation was somewhat genuine. The outcome of merger could obviously be a huge monopolize and was evidently aimed at controlling the large market share. The fear laid in commission’s stance that the result of merger will ultimately monopolize certain areas of the region. Nevertheless, it took substantial time to achieve this target as costwise had recognised since very beginning that two companies differ in structure and size therefore it will take quite a while to feel the impact physically. The impression of this merger let staff members of both companies to feel uncertain and uncomfortable, especially of costwise organisation and they feared that each company will be swallowed by the other. Motivational problems related with finance were of major importance to employees of both companies and here too, employees of costwise tended to complain more. The senior management and executive members of costwise company sought to gather and discuss at large weaknesses and strengths of the organisation on realizing that employees’ attitude and perception toward merger could have substantial impact on company’s performance. This meeting cleared company and its employees’ view of the desired merger and future of company was discussed by management personnel (Huczynski, A. Buchanan, D., 2007). 1.2.Motivational state of employees The staff at costwise was more inadequately motivated towards the merger for the most part as capacity is intricately linked with the question of motivation. Some of the employees’ concerns were included salaries issues, intangible rewards, apprehensions, secondary benefits and recognition etc which were being abandoned by the higher management. Employees were also of the view that costwise company didn’t give them a chance to flourish and  grow. They weren’t given deserving opportunities including measures and promotion which otherwise would help them to grow tithing the framework of the organisation. Conversely, management thought that employee’s reduced performance has affected the overall performance of the organisation as a whole. The organisation gave much quality of supervision, interpersonal relations, and efficient administration of regulation and policies of the company. Recognition for outstanding performances, advancement to upper level of tasks and some other general interests of employees were kept low on the other hand. Employees were bound to grow at slow pace as limited or no training programs were carried out by company’s management thus affecting the overall performance of the employees (Mullins, L., 2007). There were, nevertheless some factors which were being appreciated by the employees and which had a direct, progressive affect on employees motivation level. Those factors include sense of interaction, loyalty and trust and chemistry between employees and management which led each party to realise organisational problems occurring within the organisation. The sense of interaction and utmost respect of work were responsible to increase employees’ moral and a practice of trust and loyalty among them could be seen through observation (Kelley, H.H., 1999) 1.3.Attitudes and Perception of the employees In any such situation, there are probable situations where attitudes and perceptions of the associated employees change drastically. One of the obvious attitudes that could be expected from employees is their felling of low self worth. This feeling is probable and any person associated with a company which is going to merge up with another company of twice its size can have it. This circumstance, however, could result in employees’ reduced level of efforts and sometimes deliberately withholding efforts. Poor performance and uncertainty can be suspected in this case which organisations are required to reduce or get ready for the aftermath. Employees’ withdrawal of their commitment to work can seriously damage the stability and competitive advantage it earned during the time therefore managers have to take the responsibility and devise action plan to waive off such situations (Myers, D., 2005) The employees are supposed to have alarming beliefs and questionable attitudes toward the merger and if those attitudes do not get properly managed, it will badly affect the company’s performance. The most questionable attitude in this case could be employee’s perception toward management decisions as it could a sense of uncertainty within them. They become more sensitive to their future as any uncertain thought about company’s decisions and actions could let them thin that their job is at stake. Thus staff turnover is quite probable as no employee could thrive in uncertain work environments. Differences in opinions, either professional or technical could also result in employees’ frustration and developing angry attitude resulted by genuine work complaints (Nelson, D. Quick, J., 2006) 1.4.Resultant effects Resultant effects which such attitudes can have may include employees’ self-centeredness, their insensitivity to other people, their constant attention and affirmation seeking behaviour which could confront to abrupt in some cases. Lack of cooperation, failure to follow regulations and rules at work and absenteeism could be some results and forms of attitudes which costwise company can expect from its employees. It will be of utmost responsibility of new management to reassure the employees of costwise that they are fundamental assets of the organisation and they have to adequately motivate the employees in best possible manner. It is quite obvious that employees will act in circumstances which dictate their perception of situations. In this scenario, motivation will dictate their perception of jobs. It is also probable that employees of any company compare themselves and their positions with their counterparts and feel a sense of inferiority. Supervisory perception could also be expected for example costwise managers will feel uncomfortable to work under supervision of Orton’s management if any such scenario happens. This will only increase the problem for the costwise organisation and it will also account for bad perception of merger in vicinity of strong factors arousing uncertainty among costwise employees (Buchanan, D. Huczynski, A., 2004) Self-perceived insufficiencies in comparison to former Ortan organisation are resultant from reasons of differences in development and capacity and the suspicion that ultimately  results in lack of equity. Competition of resources is another perception that has strong effect on employees’ attitudes of both companies as it will cause discrimination since Ortan employees are in better positions than costwise’ thus they are more likely to obtain benefits and resources such as salary increments and training programs . In this case, employees of costwise will obviously feel inadequately compensated and benefited even before the merger. This threat, either real or illusionary, is suppose to cause deep-rooted problems as all such scenarios are directly related with human psychology (Daus, 1997). 1.5.Main issues faced by senior managers Complex work environments and due to some other demographic and technological changes and innovations, senior managers have now augmented responsibility of supervising staff and employees of any organisation. Obviously the most important task is to increase the employees’ performance thus increasing overall performance of the organisation. In a case where employee’s attitudes toward work have been exacerbated by above mentioned factors and attributes, senior managers have to work hard in order to obtain their objective. They need to get employees back to work with full enthusiasm which will help them in scoring tasks and meeting deadlines. There are those employees who want to be supervised, some of them feel certain insecurities, and some feel company’s decisions as threatening their future. Managers are therefore needed to address such issues within the organisation and propose sustainable solutions (Kanigel, R., 1997) Employees’ unethical behaviour is another serious issue which requires mangers to taken care of. Some employees, who are satisfied by the policies and decisions of the organisation, tend to ignore rules and regulations set by the management. They compromise on the delivery and quality of work thus affecting organisation and its outer world relationships. The challenge of such employees’ commitment and motivation is one difficult task which managers at both organisations have to carry out. This can, however, be solved by taking simple steps which first include assessment of the behaviours and attitudes of such employees and of those factors which are responsible for such behaviours and attitudes. For example, a clear observation of the case study  suggests that employees at both organisations weren’t happy for their salary compensations. They in fact found it unsatisfactory that some employees of some departments are getting higher wages whereas some other deserving staff members have not been compensated by the organisation adequately. They had another concern that organisations failed to address their social, emotional, psychological and esteem concerns. Obviously mangers do have the responsibility to take care of such issues if organisations want to increase the motivation of employees (Kinicki, A. Kreitner, R., 2006) Culture, gender, sexual orientation and religion etc. are dominated by the diverse workforce by whom both organisations operate. This diverse workforce thus engenders complexities and challenges for the management as minds of employees are naturally discriminated. These employees do have strong impact on other staff members thus senior managers are more likely to deal with challenging circumstances. Rewards, appreciation, recognition and especially balancing and equal treatment are such tools which can be highly useful in fighting similar challenges. Employees’ interaction has to be monitored by the management and with advancement of telecommunication; the challenge has become strong and important. They have to devise solutions that effectively control this challenging situation since employee privacy has already been restricted in several sectors (Gentile, M. C., 1996). 2.Critical analysis of the study Effective management of organisational behaviour is somewhat critical and requires the management to effectively examine the sources of motivation, group influence and job design among other things. It needs to define behaviour modification procedures which will help the learner to realise and appreciate the direct connection between organisational behaviour and possible consequences of it. Positive reinforcement is an effective tool which includes administrating sentencing on bad or negative behaviour and rewarding good or positive behaviour. The X and Y theories of Douglas McGregor play vital role in effective management of behaviours. Theory X involves the style of rather authoritarian management which recommends that coercion with help of application of threats upon individual is effective as an average individual detests work. The theory also argues about achievement  of organisational objectives through letting individuals concerned about it as an average individual doesnâ₠¬â„¢t like to have responsibility and rather prefer to be secure at all cost. Participative management theory or Theory Y stipulates that individuals are mainly self-directed thus they will have to take the responsibility. According to Douglas McGregor, The capacity to employ creative thinking and imagination is widely spread throughout individuals thus capacity and intelligence is partly utilised by the industry. Ability to possess responsibility and self-direction drives individuals to obtain organisational objectives (Robinson, G., and K. Dechant, 1997) The above discussed theory can be utilised in developing reward schemes and policies for staff members by rewarding those employees with benefits who perform well and grueling those who show bad behaviour and retain poor performances. By implementing this model, employees at David Orton Plc will be more obliged to work hard and return considerable benefits for the organisation in their quest to rewards, promotions, incentives and other forms of recognitions. Another effective methodology in this regard could be the Content theory which deals mainly n the area of individuals’ requirements and demands. These requirements can be broken down further into their primary requirements such as food, clothing, shelter etc. and their secondary requirements such as desire of power, achievement among colleagues, approval and love etc. It is however critical to locate the influence over behaviour by these requirements. The influence by primary needs is easy to understand and identify but influence by secondary requirements on behaviour varies by certain factors and is difficult o understand. The hierarchy of needs theory by Abraham Maslow tends to explain the requirements which could possibly affect the attitudes and behaviours of individuals working under the organisational framework (Larbi, G., 2006) Self-actualisation is needed to get managed against above mentioned background by investing in an effective, creative and challenging work place environment. Promotions, independence, flexibility and providence of bigger responsibilities are among some factors which can be employed to boost esteem if managed well. Lower level requirements including social, psychological and security requirements can be efficaciously managed by procuring safe working conditions, friendly work atmosphere and reasonable  and suitable work hours. Therefore the theory of Maslow or theory of hierarchy of needs can be applied to the case of merger, David Orton Plc which observes dissatisfaction among its employees over inadequate pay structure, lack of recognition and other social, emotional and psychological wants. This theory can be effectively applied by management by sufficiently increasing employees allowances, rewards, salaries and give them an overall well being in their areas of complaints (Larbi, G., 2006) 3.Conclusion Concluding, organisational behaviour seems to resolve around people’s perception, their power to act feel under organised settings. The organisational complexities occurring within the framework of an organisation need associated management and senior executives to evaluate key behavioral factors which dominate the system. They have to examine the reasons behind such factors and once they succeeded in identification, they got to develop sustainable strategies and plans to tackle organisational behaviour problems. Any solution aiming at increased performance by the employee will result in increased performance of the organisation. For this, management needs to realize employees that their talents are being recognized and to compensate them with adequate resources, pays and secondary benefits so that they could overcome the sense of terrifying uncertainty and work hard for the goodness of their own and the organisation. Ensuring sufficient motivation among employees is one thing but managing this motivation all along is another yet a difficult challenge for the organisation. Strategies aimed at actively fostering the development and growth of the employees will only make sure that their capacity and motivation is developed. An organisation flourishes when management succeeds in developing and establishing a strategy which ensures employees that their received salary is linked with their performance and that their expectations towards their compensation against work done will be adequately rewarded. If employees lost interest in work and what they do at the organisation, nothing could prevent organisation from failure and economic devastation therefore enriching jobs will help greatly in developing employees’ interest in their jobs they will feel enchanted to have something more than a job  which rewards them with a paycheck and it surly is a great thing. To instill such strategies into organisational framework, organisations are needed to assess behaviours and issues related with employees and propose better solutions for them. References Buchanan, D. Huczynski, A. (2004) Organisational Behaviour: An Introductory Text, 5th ed., Harlow: FT/Prentice Hall Daus (1997). Challenges of leading a diverse workforce. Academy of Management Executive, 11, 32–47. Gentile, M. C. (1996). Managerial excellence through diversity, Chicago, IL: Irwin; and Joplin, J. R. W., and C. S. Huczynski, A. Buchanan, D. (2007) Organisational Behaviour: An Introductory Text, 6th ed., Harlow: FT/Prentice Hall Kanigel, R. (1997). The one best way: Frederick Winslow Taylor and the enigma of efficiency. New York: Viking. Kelley, H.H. (1999) â€Å"Attribution in Social Interaction.† In Attribution: Perceiving the Causes of Behavior. E.E. Jones, et al. Morristown, MJ: General Learning Press. Kinicki, A. Kreitner, R. (2006) Organizational Behavior: key concepts, skills, best practices. 2nd ed. McGraw Hill Larbi, G. (2006). â€Å"Applying the new public management in developing countries,† in Y. Bangura and G. Larbi. Public sector reform in developing countries: capacity challenges to improve services. Basingstroke, Palgrave. Mullins, L. (2007) Management and Organizational Behaviour. 8th ed. FT/Prentice Hall Myers, D. (2005) Social Psychology. 8th ed. Boston: McGraw Hill Nelson, D. Quick, J. (2006) Organizational Behavior: Foundations, Realities Challenges. 5th ed. Thomson South-Western Robinson, G., and K. Dechant (1997). Building a business case for diversity. Academy of Management Executive, 11, 21–31.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Market Research into the London Zoo

Market Research into the London Zoo The London zoo Introduction The London zoo was very good before but now it is facing problems because visitor number is reducing very much. The government planned to deal with this situation either by closing the zoo or supporting it more with money and other things so that it can continue. Recently, they held a meeting and decided that it is good to do a research so that the zoo can be made to be more profitable in the future. The manager of the zoo decided to tell a college student to do a market research so that they can know what the visitors are thinking about the zoo and what the visitors want. Now, there are many awareness issues about zoo and about animals and some people are asking why they are keeping animals in zoo and not in the wildlife. This is a difficult question for the managers of zoo to keep. But the zoo still is attracting many visitors from other country and from local. So we want to talk about the questionnaire which they used for the zoo research. The questionnaire is very important document if doing research and this can be done by anybody, but those who are doing questionnaire should follow the right process in making it so that the reason for the questionnaire can be known carefully. IT is a primary method of getting data from the source. Primary methods are good as you get first experience. There are other methods called secondary method where information is taken from what had already been made (Creswell, J. 2003: 219). Some things which they must consider when making a questionnaire is that (Struwig F., 2001: 89-90) The questions should be simple and easy to understand so that those who answer cannot find a problem with this. The questionnaire must be having just enough questions, not too much because, if too much, it is not good. The respondents of questionnaire are not having all time to answer. The one making questionnaire should say why he is making it, what is purpose and who need to use it. This gives assurance to those who answer so that they know what is to be done. The questionnaire also, must have closed questions which make the one who answer not struggle to think about answer, if it does not have close questions, then it is difficult sometime to think about the answer. The question to be given must be very appropriate for the topic, for example in case of London zoo; they have to ask not about politics but about the zoo. This is very important to have relevant information. It is also good to use simple language which everyone can understand and to create common understanding so that people not struggle to answer it. Compare This questionnaire of London zoo was made to help find problems facing the London zoo and to use it for making future plans that can solve the problems. But if we look at the progress, it is seen that this questionnaire has some difference with what is best method. Like This questionnaire does not tell the respondents about their confidential needs. It should say that all information given will be used carefully for the benefit of London zoo. It is very long. The problem is that it is very long and so it is not good. Most respondents will be visitors who want to see animals and when they sit down, they want to relax not to fill questionnaire, he should. For all these questions the visitors will just rush and rush and not do anything good. The questionnaire also is using rating method. This is not as per best practice because it needs that question to be different that so that the respondents are able to know how to do the rating. In some areas of this questionnaire, the language used was not average and may make people to struggle to answer. Strengths and the weaknesses of the London zoo questionnaire This questionnaire it has some areas which are good and some which are not good. The strengths and weaknesses are in this table. Strengths It got many questions and likely to answer many answers that is wanted by the manager. It has rating method so at analysis stage, this can be done quickly. It asks many relevant questions about the zoo and about animals. Weaknesses It is very long, with more than 30 questions which make it very time consuming. No objectives are given in the questionnaire. Some questions are not clear, like questions 19a, b, and c about commitment. This is not clear. This questionnaire is of bad layout and the way question is arranged it will not be very effective. How Else to gather data Instead of using this questionnaire, the company could use the face to face interview method in this case the one who is looking for answers could go and ask people at the zoo to say what they thing about the situation at the zoo and what can be done to solve the situation. The interview method of data collection has following strengths and weaknesses Strengths of interview a. At interview, the people can be more willing to take part because they are just answering what they think b. The person asking question only need one paper for questions instead of maybe 1000 and this can be cheap for the process c. At interview, people can be told to explain more about what they think is the situation of the zoo and so more information is taken from them. Weaknesses of interview Interview may not give anyone chance to think about the situation so they can just answer anything they want which is no good. Interviews also, time consuming because it does need to stand and wait for all answers before going to the next person. It may need many people and can be expensive if all them must be paid salary. The best For dealing with the London zoo situation, the best type of method is to use the Interview, this will require a few volunteer to be trained and told to go to field and ask questions. It will not only meet those at the restaurant or those relaxing, but anyone can answer. For this method to be successful, some questions to be moved and also when asking questions, the interviewers can clarify to the respondent so that they get it clearly. 2. IP matrix: its work and what changes be made to 99 matrix (Slack N., 2007: pg 76-78) IP matrix is to help in making good importance performance decision, about managing the company or organisations. It show a grid of 99 where we see importance and performance on one side and the other. The importance area is the area where there is need an action is taken. It this areas that we have to act. Performance also, is important. In different zones of IP matrix, there is different urgency for performance. Some action is immediately to taken and others are not. The IP matrix also, makes company or organisations know what it needs to remove from the list. Like anything excess is not want now and should removed complete. Changes to IP matrix The 99 matrix is not to be used all situations. It can not give all the good answers need in all situation. It needs changes. The 99 matrix show different points in the graph. Some point is of need urgent action. There is need to be done fast. But others not so much do need action urgently. The IP matrix for putting London zoo is to be very big. The 9z9 cannot used to put all the information. IN this London zoo, is there many overall figures and all is used so we have to be very careful. The other change is about this grid. We just need to use line to draw and say all factors in one region is ok the other factor in another region is need changes. This is shown in region A and region B. Items of Region A they need urgent action priority and those of B are moderate. Use IP matrix IP matrix is a tool for managers to make decisions about running the company. They see on the matrix that there are some things that need urgent action and some things which do not. The managers use the matrix to decide how to approach the future so that they are in a good position to develop the organisations. IP matrix can also be used as a first stage to doing a statistical evaluation like in using a method like Correlation and Hypothesis testing which are other methods which can be used. Action graph (appendix area) Other methods which can be used apart from the IP matrix are; According to (Freeman D., 2007), there are other methods which may be used to develop and solve this problem apart from IP matrix. Correlation: it is about testing if there is a relationship between to things for example in the case of London zoo, they may want to test if the facilities at the zoo, discourage the number of visitors. It is important to know what one or two factors affect the others. Hypothesis testing: In this method the work is to make a conclusion that is not confirmed then to try and confirm the conclusion which has been made. Hypothesis can be Null or alternates. These could be used instead of IP matrix Advantages of Correlation It is a method that can be use to explain the relationship between two variables, like A and B. It helps to know exactly which thing to deal with so that resources are not wasted like if variable A is the cause of Bs problem, the there is no need to deal with B, ,we just deal with A and save resources. Disadvantages It requires many calculations with a difficult formulae and this may be tiring the researcher. This method may not tell us what to do, it is just indicative and cannot be taken as it is. Hypothesis testing Advantages -It gives the researcher the fake destination or objective so the researcher is having a guide on where to go. -It usually good for difficult situations like it can check the expected results versus the observed using what are called Chi square analysis. Disadvantages; -This method is difficult to use became it has many stages of using. -This method does not specify what answer is or the problem. This method depends on the unconfirmed conclusion to be made and this can be a problem if there is no hypothesis. My improvement to this matrix If I make a matrix, I could suggest that the IP matrix be changed in some ways. My improvement to this matrix is from some number of things like 1. Use a design of only four boxes like a table. Not nine sections but only 4. This is easy to use and also the things can be put easily in 4 sections than in 9 sections. 2. Picking only few items which are very important from the ratings so that the iP is made with a few information than too many information which can be confusion. 3. The questionnaire below is given as the alternative to the one which was made by MBA student for London zoo. There are some best practices points which have been giving in this questionnaire, these are; a. They questionnaire is not long. It is just a enough number of questions b. The writer tries to use simple language so that those who are going to answer the questionnaire will find it simple to answer. c. We try to put in the open ended questions so that it can be easy for the people to just tick the right answers. d. This also assure of confidentiality of the respondents who will answer. Conclusion London zoo should try and find the real reason for all the problems it is facing. There are other external reasons for which nothing is can be done. But in the internal place, they should see that processes and cleanliness is maintained. They can also use TV advertisement during when time of festival is about to come then to bring more people to the zoo. This will bring more customers and bring money and will make the zoo to improve very much. This questionnaire made, can be used to find the main reasons why there is problem at the zoo. They can use the information to improvement by the management. References Creswell., J. (2003) Resaerch desing: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approach. SAGE. 2nd Edn. Freeman D., (2007) Statistical models. Theory. Cambridge. Pg,.6 Slack N., (2007) Operations management. Pearson. 5th Edition. Struwig F., (2001) Planning, designing and reporting research. Pearson South Africa. Pg 89-90

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Demand Letter :: essays research papers

Dear Shakyside Motors: Please be informed that Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haskell have retained this Law Office in regards to their claim against you and your business. This letter is sent to you in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act as found in the Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Chapter 93A. Herewith, demand upon you for relief under the pursuant statue is made. The purpose of this correspondence is to encourage you to provide fair and just relief to said Haskell in order that all the parties may avoid litigation as provided for under the above said statute. Certainly, this is a matter that should not have to be litigated and Mr. and Mrs. Haskell consider some of your salespersons to be friends. In February of this year, you were the salesman that sold a car to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haskell. As well, you are in the custody of funds, belonging to the Haskells’ that arose from this tentative transaction. It has become apparent that there is a valid litigation that could be charged against your dealership in regards to possible non-disclosures as made to the said Haskell and the seller. The Massachusetts Lemon Law, M.G.L. c. 90, sec. 7N1/2, protects consumers who have serious defects in their new cars. The law defines a lemon as a new motor vehicle that has a defect that substantially impairs the use, market value, or safety of the vehicle, and which has not been repaired after a reasonable number of attempts. If a substantial defect still exists or recurs after a reasonable number of repair attempts, the consumer has the right to a refund or a replacement vehicle. Keep in mind that not all car problems are serious enough to qualify under the Lemon Law. We believe that the car purchased from Shakyside Motors on February 12th 2002 is a "lemon" under the Massachusetts Lemon Law (Massachusetts General Laws; Ch. 90 Sec. 7N1/2). I am hereby making a written demand for relief under the Lemon Law and the Massachusetts Consumer Protection Act (Massachusetts General Laws, Ch. 93A, Sec.9. They purchased a 1982 Ford Pinto on February 12th 2002 from your dealership. Since they bought the vehicle, they have had many defects like gas leaking everywhere, bad brakes, car doesn’t start in cold weather, and transmission belts need to be replaced. The vehicle has been out of service for three weeks and for three weeks the Haskells’ have attempted to call your offices and have the car repaired.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The War on Terrorism Has Not Compromised Civil Liberties Essay

The War on Terrorism Has Not Compromised Civil Liberties In the wake of 9/11, the United States of America began to fight a war on terrorism.   Many in this country would say we actually started a war against ourselves.   One argument is the war on terrorism has begun to erode our civil liberties.   Have our civil liberties really been abused or have they been slightly altered by the Patriot Act to protect all Americans best interests?   To fully protect Americans from future terrorist attacks monitoring, the Foreign Terrorist Tracking Task Force, and the Patriot Act have been essential components. Many complain the war on terrorism has invaded their right to privacy.   People are worried their phone conversations and internet use are being monitored.   The truth is only those suspected of terrorists acts are being closely monitored by the government.   The fact is we need military tribunals, detention programs, monitoring of internet and phone activity and attorney-client conversations to protect all Americans from future terrorists attack (Ashcroft).   Any person being monitored by the government is told before hand.   For example; an inmate who's attorney-client conversation is being closely monitored know they are being overheard and can only be prosecuted for information pertaining to terrorism or future terrorist attacks.   According to John Ashcroft monitoring conversations is one of the many steps needed to fight terrorism. Immigrants fear deportation from the United States and feel their rights have been violated since 9/11.   Our government has instilled this fear by passing the Patriot Act.   "The Patriot Act flowed from a draft bill circulated by the Department of Justice in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks" (Byr... ...e Senate Judiciary Committee.   He said to scare the American people into losing their liberties only aids the terrorists, "for they erode our national unity and diminish our resolve† (Davies). Works Cited * Ashcroft, John. "The War on Terrorism Has Not Eroded Civil Liberties."  Ã‚   Civil Liberties: Opposing Viewpoints.   Ed. Auriana Ojeda.   New York: Greenhaven Press, 2004. * Byrd, Robert C.   Losing America.   pgs: 45-49   New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 2004.   * Davies, Frank.   "Civil Liberties: Ashcroft Defends U.S. antiterror tactics."   Detroit Free Press.   7 December 2001.   6 November 2004.   <>. * Hannity, Sean.   Let Freedom Ring.   pg: 133   New York: Regan Books, 2002.   * Hendrickson, David C., and Robert W. Tucker.   "The Sources of American Legitimacy."   Foreign Affairs.   New York: 2004.  

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

salem witchcraft trials cause and effect Essay -- essays research pape

In 1692 the area of Salem town and Salem village became very vulnerable to conflict. Severe weather such as hurricanes had damaged land and crops, the effects of King Phillips War began to impact New England society, and colonists were being forced off of the frontiers by Native peoples. The Church and the government were in heavy conflict. And those residing in Salem began to grow suspicious of one another when some prospered and others hadn’t (Marcus, p13). Suddenly people seemed very paranoid and soon residents were placing blame on one another and accusing each other of witchcraft. In a fifteen month period between 1691 and 1692 nearly twelve dozen people were accused of witchcraft in or near Salem (Norton, p8).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although witch trials were not uncommon in Puritanical New England, none had reached such epidemic proportions as Salem. In 1691 the mass hysteria began when several young girls dabbled in witchcraft and began acting strange. When villagers took notice the girls were seriously questioned and so they began naming people, mainly woman, who had supposedly bewitched them (Boyer, p66). Several other who had been accused were woman displayed ‘unfeminine’ behavior and those who stood to inherit more economic power than most men in the area (Boyer, p66). By 1692 the young girls had continued to make false accusations of townspeople. Many of those accused were townspeople who were more prominent than others. Villagers, such as the young girl...

Monday, September 16, 2019

Medea shows that seeking revenge undermines any hope of justice Essay

The brutal course of revenge which Medea exacts on Jason may suggest that in the pursuit of revenge, one render any prospect of attaining justice to be void. However in an indirect way, Medea’s course of revenge which implicates the lives of innocents, exerts a punishment on her. Ultimately, the fact that Medea is not directly subjected to a punishment for her extreme course of her revenge is attributable to her ancestry – she is the grand-daughter of the Sun-God. This nullifies any suggestion that seeking revenge overthrows the likelihood of justice, as Medea’s divine circumstances are an anomaly. Thereby, this outcome of her ploy of revenge is not representative of the outcome which an identical course of revenge would yield for an ordinary citizen in Ancient Greece. On a superficial and simplistic level, the success of Medea’s course of revenge suggests that justice has been attained, as we witness the rightful downfall of Jason. Jason’s betrayal of Medea in the form of his abandonment, results in the breaking of the oath he pledged to Medea and the Gods. Thus, in adherence to the notion of divine justice, that the Gods will exact justice on those who commit unnatural deeds, Jason deserves a calamitous punishment for the breaking of this oath to the Gods and Medea, who â€Å"never did him wrong†. Through achieving revenge on Jason in the most effective manner possible, via murdering their children and his wife, Medea inflicts this just punishment on Jason. However, on a more profound level, Medea’s immoderate course of revenge instills within the audience a sense that her course of revenge has been essentially counter-productive to achieving true justice. In her pursuit of revenge, Medea murders her innocent children, indicating that she has committed an indisputably barbaric injustice, while seeking to exert justice on Jason. To a lesser extent, this also applies to Glauce and Creon. Although they have been involved in Jason’s abandonment of Medea through implicitly condoning it, Medea’s murder of these two is also unwarranted and unjustifiable. Yet, despite committing these gross injustices, the play concludes without any direct form of divine justice being exerted on Medea. To the contrary, Medea receives assistance in fleeing Corinth. To a certain extent justice is indirectly inflicted on Medea for her excessive course of revenge, pertaining particularly to the murders of her children. It noticeable intensifies Medea’s plight, suggesting that a punishment is derived on Medea. Prior to committing these barbaric deeds, Medea recognises that they will cause her to â€Å"endure guilt, however horrible.† Medea’s desire for the continued presence of her children shows that she maintains a compassionate nature towards her children, affirming that Medea’s murder of her children will be to the detriment of her enduring quality of life. This is confirmed by Medea’s complete agreement with Jason’s view that the murders of their children cause Medea â€Å"to suffer too, my loss is yours [Medea’s] no less. â€Å"Medea’s association with the gods by her ancestry, refutes the widespread applicability of the notion that revenge cannot succeed in terms of forming true justice. Medea is the grand-daughter of the Sun-God. This is shown most emphatically in the manner in which Medea murders Glauce. Medea perpetrates the murder of Glauce through engulfing her in flames. Similarly, she exhibits an affiliation with the god Zeus, and the god of the underworld, â€Å"Queen Hecate †¦ my chosen accomplish.† This affiliation is pivotal to why a punishment is not directly exerted on Medea by the gods for the injustices she commits whilst perpetrating her ploy for revenge on Jason. Thus, informing us that for an ordinary citizen in Ancient Greece, such an unscathed outcome would not be possible. It forces us to realise that the outcome of Medea does not conclusively show that seeking revenge through immoderate means leads to a failure to achieve true justice. In many ways, Medea’s departure from Corinth within a chariot provided by the Gods, despite the callous deeds she has committed in exacting revenge on Jason, suggests that the pursuit of revenge occurs at the expense of the formation of genuine justice. However, we must be cautious to accept this misguided suggestion, due to Medea’s rare circumstance of divine attributes, which enables her to be vindicated by the Gods for her merciless deeds perpetrated whilst exerting justice on Jason. References:Euripides, Medea

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Background of the Story Essay

In a much lighter context, Giovanni’s room tries to intricately explain the reasons behind men becoming gays. The matter, discussed through experiential accounts brings the story into a more emotional presentation of the issue thus creating a more attractive environment of understanding for the readers to indulge into. Aside from this, the story written by James Baldwin also aims to reiterate the psychological background of the reasons behind the personality changes that are happening among men and how the situations in their lives particularly affect their decisions and their relationships. The story begins in a narration of the main character, David, as he describes Giovanni’s room. Giovanni is primarily one among the few men whom David had been deeply involved with. The room of Giovanni has been described to have been always dark and less lighted. Perhaps signing about the privacy and the intimacy that the room represents, Giovanni’s room remains to be an ideal depiction of the relationships between men that occurred in that specific place in the story. As the story goes on to, David’s character shows a particular confusion in his gender especially with regards his relationships with both men and women. Basing from his background, it could be observed that he has been rather placed in that particular situation especially based from the past experiences that he has been dealing with as he grew towards his maturity that both involved the relationship of his mother and his father. From the said background, it could be noted that being a gay or being a bisexual, as the story suggests on the main character, could simply be sourced out from having a less guiding father thus making him more vulnerable to life challenges especially with regards gender issues. A Social Connotation of the Story UNTIL 1861 homosexuality was an offense punishable by death in England. In fact, the possibility of imprisonment for homosexual acts was not lifted there until as recently as 1967. Many other Western countries have a similar history. In recent years, however, laws and attitudes have greatly changed. In California, by way of example, a candidate for San Francisco’s office of mayor promised to appoint homosexual to city boards and commissions in proportion to their share of the population, estimated at about 15 percent. As a result, homosexuals gave her their support at the polls. Men and women prominent in public life can now be homosexuals quite openly. Many clergymen are self-confessed â€Å"gays,† freely advocating such a way of life. Homosexuality no longer is viewed by many as having the stigma it used to have. It has achieved a degree of â€Å"respectability. † Since the First World War, the authority of the priests and clergy of Christendom has been challenged. People are no longer willing to accept without question what the churches say. They have demanded greater freedom, especially as far as morality is concerned. Why, then, do people become homosexuals? What is behind the ever-increasing surge in their numbers? There is hardly an issue that has been more hotly contested in recent years. The Roman Catholic report mentioned earlier comments: â€Å"Most young people appear to pass through a phase when the homosexual tendency is dominant; but the emotional growth can be halted at this stage. † Teen-age years are years of stress. Young boys and girls often find it difficult to relate to one another without embarrassment at that time of life. So we often see polarization—groups composed exclusively of boys or of girls. Most are able to make the necessary adjustments and achieve a balance in sexual life. Sadly, however, there are many pitfalls. Commenting on some of these, the secretary of the Responsible Society in England said: â€Å"We are very worried about the strident proselytizing going out to teenagers from militant homosexual campaigners. There is overwhelming evidence in the American Masters and Johnson survey that homosexuality is learned behavior. † High schools and universities are a natural ground for such development. The Little Blue Book passed to Oxford, England, students has this to say: â€Å"Many gays ‘come out’ (i. e. start being open about being gay) when they are at college or university. Leaving home perhaps for the first time, is often an escape from certain pressure and expectations. Furthermore students tend to be more tolerant and open-minded towards homosexuals, at least on a superficial level. † Scotland’s Glasgow University’s free guide to ‘gay sex,’ entitled â€Å"Gay Scene,† offers the following advice: â€Å"If you find that you are sexually attracted to people of the same sex as yourself, the best thing to do is to accept it. † One incensed parent is reported as saying: â€Å"There are many young students who could be corrupted by this sort of material. † In other words—homosexuality can be prevented, just as it can be learned. There is one additional aspect of homosexuality that is often pushed into the background. It concerns the incidence of venereal diseases among homosexuals. How serious is this problem? VD clinics in England get an unexpectedly high rate of homosexuals. Said one health visitor: â€Å"I think that’s because they are more promiscuous, making more casual encounters than other people. † Bearing out this fact as a worldwide problem, in New York city 55 percent of the cases of infectious syphilis in 1977 occurred among homosexual males. Free-lance medical writer Terry Alan Sandholzer reported: â€Å"Syphilis in gay men has been estimated to account for as high as 50 percent of reported cases in large cities and about a third of the cases nationally. † Surely that is a high price to pay for sexual â€Å"liberation. † As homosexuality has come out into the open, so there has been a concerted effort to impart a new image to the practice. The word â€Å"homosexual,† with its accent on â€Å"sex,† has been viewed disapprovingly. Into prominence instead is the term â€Å"gay. † The Concise Oxford Dictionary notes that this word, used in this sense, is a euphemism, a mild word substituted for a harsh or direct one. The same can be said of â€Å"homophilia† and â€Å"homophile,† as sometimes used. If one were going to enter the homosexual world, then it would be wise to face the facts about VD in that world. Certainly, as the story of Giovanni’s room displays the actual life of homosexual, it could not be denied that such course of life has its consequences. Likely, such course of life, even though sourced out from a primary confusion, it could not be denied that it simply cannot be lived without the counteracting results that such acts brings about to the individual involved in the said situation. A Reflection Based on Other Writings Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Self Reliance and Khaleid Housinni’s Kite Runner could be well connected to the social description of the story of Giovanni’s room. At some point, the authors of the said selections choose to show the human society as a primary source of distress that affects the life of most human individuals. Self-reliance particularly notes how people resort to certain acts so as to survive several challenges in life that they face every now and then. In the same way, the story of the Kite Runner notes the fact that people are indeed in direct receiver of the situations that are happening in the society. The way that they are able to face such issues, whether personal or social, is the reflecting element that usually identifies who they are and what they particularly believe in. (Housinni, 2003, 18) Obviously, such idealism in personal development is derived from a rather psychological perspective that identifies social and personal sociology to be particularly connected with each other. How could this idealism be observed in particular? The naturalistic approach in observation could then be further applied. This fundamental research methodology is known to divulge and aid the psychologist in his or her critical analysis of the human behavior and characteristics while in socially acceptable public domain in his or her course of interacting with other individuals in their aspect of addressing their sociological needs. In this aspect of human interaction, psychologist try to significantly analyze the human nature as shown by their actions both involving the verbal and non-verbal communication style and how individuals manifest their motives while adhering to the social values and cultures pertaining to public communication. Naturalistic observation is commonly an actual observation of subjects mainly while they are in their course of social interaction specifically while they are in the public place. In the course of implementing this method, the researcher must also observe social values and cultural manners thus preventing any offensive act during the observation. In addition, the concept of personal privacy and inappropriate intrusion should also be constantly observed while the researcher is observing the subjects. All of these limitations must be implemented while the researcher observed the subjects in an isolated nature keeping his or her presence unnoticed and ideally absent to the personal space of the subject during their interaction. (Houssini, 2003, 18) The only aspect to be focused on in this project is the psychological behavior of the subject as manifested by their very intricate details such as gestures, voice, reaction, facial expression and impression and others. If applied within the situation of David in Giovanni’s room along with the other selections, it could be observed that humans particularly show who they are with the things that they choose to engage in with their daily activities. The people they mingle with also characterizes their personal attributes thus giving a reflection of their past and how they have been particularly molded by the experiences that they have been dealing with at present. Among the most compelling relation of the stories towards each other are the death of the supposed partner [lover; Giovanni and brother; Hassan] characters who for some reason had the chance of living but had to let go to let their counterparts live. Undeniably, the removal of their character within the said stories aim to press on with the possibility of those whom they left to change their ways thus create a much better life for them. However, with either a false or faithful hope that this would happen, the ones that they left to live actually made it through life with lies and pretentious acts still living within the secrets that they once kept back when they still had both Hassan and Giovanni in their lives. The contemporary life of human individuals has indeed caused a much easier process of concealing what they really are inside. Just to be able to secure themselves from all the possible insecurities that the society might imply on them, many among men and women today intend to pretend someone who they are not simply to be accepted by others. The fear of being rejected and bemused by those closest to them makes them fearful of the possible things that may happen of they open up to others the reality of their identity as a person. This indeed is an indication of fear due to social norms. If negatively taken, as seen on both stories, this particular aspect of living with the society would only bring one towards the foolish happiness that is brought about by being falsely accepted by the community that one particularly lives in. A Connection with the Kite Runner The whole theme of the story of â€Å"The Kite Runner† revolved around the lives of two young children who were from different classes of the society. Social prejudice of the economic status of people has been the main reason why the problem of diversity in Afghanistan has risen as portrayed in the story. This factor indeed contributed so much to the story’s complication, which resulted to the guilt driven emotions of the main character Amir, when he was not able to come to the rescue of his friend Hassan. In this story, a clear display of the society’s major problem on prejudice and equality has been shown. Concentrating on the more personally based assessment of the situation as portrayed by Amir, the social problems depicted in the story makes it easier to understand why people take lesser courage in making a change in the present social situation, be guilty later on and then set goals in making a change in a less complex and fearful way. Yes, in a concise display of events, the author tried to help the reader’s picture out the most important events of the situation that would likely connect the story with the intense effect of social diversity to individuals in the society. The consequences are shown to be much dreadful enough to keep a person from moving on with his own life, because of the fact that the lack of courage that drives a person to ignore the things that are supposed to be done by him in the first place. Certainly, an inner healing is necessary for certain situations such as this. It is normal for a person to feel down from not being able to complete or live up to a certain self-expectation. However, inner healing is not that easy to find. As for the main character of the story, it could be noted that the healing of his conscience mainly came form the fact that he had to come back to Afghanistan to find his find with a plan of making it up to him in any way he could. Although he was not able to do the said task as he has expected things to come along, he was still able to help himself regain his clear conscience through helping the son of his friend Hassan to have a change of life under his care. As it could be noted, the story was plotted to show the deeper individual effects of the social differences among men as well as the effects of war on relationships between people. The existence of such issues has made the characters reflect the actual situation of individuals in the society especially focusing on the Afghanistan society. (Howard, 2003, Internet) One more them of the story, which should be given attention, is the picture of reality portrayed by Amir. His lack of courage in doing things that they know should be done is a problem by many people today. Although they know that something within their power could change several situations in the society, their fear of several elements in the society keeps them from doing any courageous change. This was shown when Amir failed to save his friend Hassan from the hands of the bully, Assef. As a result, his conscience has not made him completely relieved from moving away from Afghanistan ever since. Instead, he was continuously haunted by the past and the things that he was supposed to do for his friend (Kirszner, 2001, 90). At the same picture, several people today find it difficult to forget the past especially the situations that involves them with the things that they were supposed to do and yet they did not have much of the courage that it takes for them to do it. As a way of relieving the pain brought about by the past, people tend to find ways in which they could still change what happened. As for the situation of Amir, he tried to return to Afghanistan to supposedly make it up with Hassan. As it could be noted from the overview of the story, although Amir was not able to make it up to his half brother Hassan, he was able to clear his conscience by taking care of the son of Hassan instead. In the same way, people today find a way to heal their aching hearts through returning back to what has happened in the past and later on try to change things for the people that they were supposed o help before. This way, their conscience is then cleared off from the shortcomings that they incurred against others before. As mentioned earlier, people tend to get hurt from many things. Usually, their experiences of several different situations they have been involved with, brings them the discouragement that they ought to feel after not being able to do what they were supposed to. This then brings them several psychological disturbances that keep them from moving on freely with their lives. The fear of doing what they should have done before might have been governed by several factors in the society that kept them from being able to complete their supposed tasks before (Hill, 2000, Internet). Certainly, because of the said elements, doing what is right might not have been that easy. Aside from this, it is quite easier to understand that the situation is harder to deal with when it is happening at the actual time. The lack of time to think things over makes it harder for a person to realize what should be immediately done to solve some things (Coon, 2001, 54,55). This is naturally what happened to Amir upon seeing the bully beat his friend. Along with fear and panic, he was not able to come up with the possible solution that he was supposed to apply during the said situation. People tend to lack courage when they are faced with the actual crisis. However, after some time of thinking things over, they begin to realize that there could have been better results if they did have the courage to do their ethical responsibilities regarding the situation. What is meant by redemption and healing? Naturally, this means recovery from any possible scourge that has been experienced by one in the past. Being healed, means being able to cure what has been causing one the pain that is felt in an emotional state as for this matter (Coon, 20001, 56). Hence, healing does not only involve mere mind works. It has to involve actions that would help the individual free himself from the guilt that he is feeling from within his conscience. Basing from how the main character tried to resolve his personal issues regarding his past shortcomings against his friend, coming back to the origin of his guilt feelings has helped him realize the possibility for him to clear his conscience from the guilt that has mainly plagued his thoughts for a long time. As for the present situation of the society, to redeem themselves from the psychological and emotional disturbances brought about by the past, people opt to find ways by which they can still change things even though the change may not be done directly to the people they have once failed to help (Coon, 2001, 58). The changes that this certain courageous act by an individual that naturally results to betterment of many or even of a few would then help that individual to regain his clean conscience thus clearing him from all the guilt that has been keeping him from moving on with his life before. Several issues that divide it to several classes govern the society today. Aside from the race, economic status makes it harder for an individual to deal with the society in a fair way. Yes, today, the main reason why people tend to separate themselves from others is the existence of social prejudice. What is prejudice? According to the article entitled, â€Å"They found the solution to the problem of race†: â€Å"Education is the key to ending present condition of prejudice. When this key is missing, prejudice often results. Prejudice is a prejudgment, a judgment arrived at before persons have really examined the evidence regarding the matter involved. Then, because of their prejudice, they are inclined to discriminate against others. (Awake! 1999, 14) Certainly, the social division makes it harder for people to deal with each other in a fair way. In the same way, the governments and the non-government organizations, which are supposed to give answers to the said social issues, have a hard time finding ways by which they would be able solve the disturbances. As a result, they have to deal with the guilt that they gain from not being able to give answers to the most important issues in the human society. To be able to clear their guilt, they tend to solve the issues after several years when the pressure on the issue is already lessened and the attention of the society towards the issue has already been shifted to other problems (Coon, 2001, 60). Prejudice however remains to be the main reason why people are having a hard time dealing with a divided society. Basing from actual accounts in the society, prejudice is a major problem that makes it harder for people to find peace and security in their own communities. As it has been portrayed in the story of the â€Å"Kite Runner†, the divisive culture of people cannot be easily dealt with. As a result, more roots of social issues arise from the very said social illness. It is a responsibility of everyone else in the society to face the challenge of acting against the effects of prejudice. By being completely free from the thoughts of being superior from others should help everyone realize that they have to stand for their fellowmen when they are faced with the oppression of prejudice like that of the situation between Hassan and Amir in the story. For this reason, it would be more possible for people to avoid the guilt of not being able to complete their responsibilities to their fellowmen. Healing and redemption is an essential part of the society’s recovery from the effects of social prejudice. Individuals who have been naturally involved in the deeper effects of the said social issues are the ones who are supposed to find ways by which they could be able to handle their inner distress brought about by social inequalities. Changing how the world views not everyone with differences in an unequal manner may be that easy to deal with, but a single person’s courage of taking the lead to make a change on how people deal with prejudice is a great step towards a fairer society that does not divide society based on several classes of differences. Conclusion The readings featured within this analysis actually note the social issues that are primarily making up the human population today. Naturally, such particular issues have subjected many into a certain situation that caused them to readjust their thoughts with regards the people that they meet with every now and then in their own communities. Considerably, such situation causes many to be subjected to several pretensions that they need to do, just to keep the reality of their personalities. Understandably though, there are some individuals who suffer deeply from this particular situation, some who are less able to adjust themselves to the living that society actually demands of them. For so many reasons, facing these particular situations require that one be most capable of showing who he really is even in the middle of adversaries. Being strongly attached to one’s own personal being and identity actually makes one more susceptible to the different challenges of human living, This would then allow them of becoming the best person that they can even in the middle of hard situations. This is what is being implanted to the thoughts of the readers through the narration of the stories of Amir and David as well as that of the statements of Ralph Waldo Emerson. These writings actually make it certain that people are directly affected by the situations that they are facing everyday. Undeniably, they are given the chance to react considerably in the process pf change in life. This is actually a matter of change and learning. Sometimes though, the learning in this process actually involves other people who are at times subjected into being involved in the lesser state of the relationship among the ones who are facing the dreadful situation of pretension. However, their existence, although lesser is indeed noted of its importance to those whom they shared their lives with. References: Ralph Waldo Emerson: Self-Reliance (1841). http://www. wsu. edu/~wldciv/world_civ_reader/world_civ_reader_2/emerson. html. (June 30, 2008). James Baldwin. (2000). Giovanni’s Room. Delta Publications. Khaled Hosseini. (2003). The Kite Runner. Riverhead Books. Austen, Roger (1977). Playing the Game: The Homosexual Novel in America, 1st ed. , Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company. ISBN 978-067252287X. Guidelines for Psychotherapy With Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Clients. http://www. apa. org/practice/glbt. pdf. (July 3, 2008). Why is there war. (2000). Awake! Brooklyn New York. They found the solution to the problem of race. (1999). Awake! Brooklyn New York. Hill, Amelia. The Observer. (Sunday September 7, 2003). An Afghan hounded by his past. http://books. guardian. co. uk/reviews/generalfiction/0,6121,1036891,00. html. (July 3, 2008). Howard, Edward. The Servant. (August 3, 2003). The New York Times. http://query. nytimes. com/gst/fullpage. html? res=9504E0DF123FF930A3575BC0A9659C8B63. (July 3, 2008). Coon, Dennis. (2001). Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to mind and behavior. Thompson Learning Incorporated. Kirszner, Laurie G. (2001) Litterature: reading, reacting and writing. Harcourt College Publishers.